Since last 10 days, whenever my son watch tv. He is complaining of bad headache. Initially, i thought may be he watched too much. But now I have realized that its something related to his eye sight. He is 5 years old. He doesn't watch too much tv. Usually he watch one cartoon movie occasionally, especially on weekends or during holiday. I will visit the doctor soon but I am worried what if he has poor vision and need to use the specs. Is there any medicine or treatment to avoid the specs. He is too snall for specs. Please help me.
Neha Goyal
24 Aug 2017
Neha Goyal
Thank you Dr. Saloni and Neha Agarwal. Usually he doesn't complain about headache, it only happens after watching tv. As he is too small, he can't tell about his poor vision issue. But surely, I am going to take him to doctor for checkup. Thanks again.
25 Aug 2017
Dr.Saloni Pahwa
hi neha it is it not uncommon for children to develop a number for glasses early. there are many reasons for this the strongest being genetics. unfortunately there are no Meds to treat this. if there is a weak vision child will need specs and it's better earlier than later your child is in school going age and it's important for his overall development to get him specs if he needs them
24 Aug 2017
Neha Agarwal
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @637377fb649d830016907ca2 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font> can you advise
Neha Goyal
25 Aug 2017