#slayfitmama Today was one of those rare days when I got a decent amount of time to workout. And the weather was just perfect for an evening outdoor workout. That feeling when just about everything falls in to place is precious. For a few moments everything seems to be in tandem. So make the most of those moments and drink them in. And maybe click a picture or two :-) I managed to squeeze in a good 45 minute session. I did a combination of yoga, core drills and leg work. Will post a simple prenatal workout soon. (Is there any way to post videos? Curious to know :) @Babychakra )
I may have gotten carried away and done a bit too much today, as I am feeling a slight pinch in my left knee. ALWAYS ALWAYS listen to your body. My yoga guru used to tell me -forget the I. It's so very hard for me to not let ego come in the way of my practice. I am very ruthless to myself on the mat. I never give up or give in that easily. I want it to be perfect. I have gotten a lot calmer now since I have had to bear the brunt of my stubbornness quite a few times in the past. But hey, one is always learning.
The asana I have showed here is Baddhakonadana or Butterfly pose. I wanted to get a deeper hip stretch hence I am bending down. Beginners can sit upright. Feet are joined together with the legs forming a diamond. The feet can be closer or away from your groin depending on your flexibility and comfort. If it is difficult for your knees to touch the ground, you can place blocks or a rolled blanket below each knee. This will provide support to the back and also give a good stretch. Over time your hip will get more flexible and you will get deeper in the pose.
Stay in the position you are comfortable in for 10 breaths. Breathe a lungful and go a bit deeper. If your knees can touch the floor, try to get the feet closer to your perenium. But don't push yourself too hard. Nope. Points to remember: Avoid bending down if you have Hypertension, Vertigo and in the 3rd trimester. Don't round the back. Keep the spine neutral. Breathe normally and mindfully. Hands can be in namaskara mudra or on your knees or on the floor depending on where you are.
Benefits: Excellent hip opener. Helps with posture. Very useful during pregnancy. Beneficial for natural delivery. Can be practiced a month after child birth. (But don't forget to check with your doctor. ) Stay healthy. Stay happy. Namaste.
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @616d0591b34e550013eb9a72 </b></span> I agree. Every time I think of this pose, I get the feeling of the relaxation that comes from a nice body massage!
07 Jun 2017
aditi manja
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @616d5a27c1b4770013bcb718 </b></span> You are most welcome! :* Guess what, it's my favourite too :D
07 Jun 2017
aditi manja
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @616d5c785988200013dc45d1 </b></span> thank-you ! yeah, this area was my practice space every single day before I had my baby. I spent some time there after months yesterday. Felt so good.. :-)
07 Jun 2017
aditi manja
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @6372d8dd17d2c800158d9008 </b></span> Thank-you so much love :-) yeah the mat is one of my pet peeves! I always want the mat to look pretty. It motivates me..<u>hahha</u>
aditi manja
07 Jun 2017