I wasn't getting much time to write down what I feel! U know mommying is not easy 😂
So today I m just pendowning a little glimpse of what I feel because writing everything is impossible neither I have that much words to describe nor the app supports that much long post (haha)
It's amazing to see the #life which grew inside u bloom like a flower!🌸
From those little kicks to holding her hand and making her walk!🐾 From going Gaga over hearing her first heartbeat to seeing her smile everyday!💗 From holding her first time in ur arms to rocking her to sleep everyday! She is growing! I am loving all these but deep inside my heart aches because all THESE little thing will never come back! My #littlegirl will not be #little anymore! This journey is beautiful!
Incredible! Yes I mess up with everything and anything, I do get frustrated,hyper,angry and wat not but when I look at that #little innocent face of her
I melt like the hot water that melts the ice! I have changed and this change is because of this #little human being! I have learnt to be patient though at times I can't control myself !
I have learnt to live wat is in the moment and not to go behind others! I have learnt to hear people who do not matter to me fr one ear and take out from other!
Sania Bhushan
09 Jul 2019