*** Some tips on engaging a sick child *** Few months back we had an encounter with HFM that took long to cure and get him back to normal routine. I mean everything had taken a toll from his loss of appetite to rejecting foods. Changed sleep timings, caught with cough and cold. With my past experience, I am sharing few tips what works for me when my child is sick. 🌼 Until he's playful and active I don't fear of his illness much and let the meds do it's work. But also at the same time you can do home remedies. 🌼 It's bound to happen that when a child is sick the mother feels the guilt more than anyone. So you need to be more careful and strong in front of him. 🌼 It's like what a mother feels the energy gets transfer's to the child. So if I would also take tension and become restless even my child will not feel like playing and will keep hanging on to me. 🌼 So the best thing I do is keep him busy with toys, books, with other siblings or if nothing works then screen time. Also you can take a small walk outside or on terrace get some fresh air. 🌼 Children usually don't feel like eating or chewing anything when they are sick. You can observe and make list of their comfort foods that they easily have in sickness. 🌼 Also if the child is taking Bf it is completely fine as it contains antibodies which help them recover faster and is also providing necessary nutrients to the baby. 🌼 You can find out different ways of feeding your baby with diverting or engaging them with something but please don't force feed your child. 🌼 You need to observe your child's behavior pattern and act accordingly. For ex. If he's taking his usual naps on time or changed nap timings.
Konica Khona
24 Feb 2020