Sorry for the delay ladies..Here is my delivery story..

As many of you know that I was supposed to be operated on 20th April (my brother's birthday) which was anyways much before my due date (10th May) as I had Cholestasis..
But my angel did not want to share her birthday with her Maamu..😂
She arrived even before i.e. on 17th April.. 😊
On 17th morning at around 6:15 am, while I was in sleep, I suddenly felt some fluid leaking out and I assumed it to be a normal white discharge and just ignored it and just kept lying down..but after few minutes fluid kept on coming out continuously and it got scary for me as I was not prepared for it on that day.. I used wahsroom and noticed heavy discharge of light yellowish fluid..I started crying and I don't know why lol 😂
I went to my Dad and told him what had happened then.. He being a doc, knew that I was going to deliver that day and asked me to take proper bath and get ready for hospital..
We picked up my MIL on the way and my Dad performed a scan on me at the hospital..He asked a nurse to shave me off and keep me ready for operation..
After getting shaved, I asked if they would give me enema but they laughed and said no! 😏 I felt pressure and was not given enema..I was so annoyed at those Govt Hospital nurses!!! My Dad was not there at the dressing room or I would have asked him to make it possible..😑
My gynac came and did an internal check up and found out that my baby had passed meconium already and I did not have an option of normal delivery by then..;
I was immediately taken to the operation theatre..Slowly I started panicking and could not breathe properly..the hospital HOD came and asked me questions like "yeh kitne ungli hain beta", "Naam kya hai aapka" and so on. I just didn't feel like answering him..I asked him to get an inhaler for me as I wasn't able to breathe..He was like " uff yeh doctors ke bacche" 😶😞 but then he arranged for it and gave it to me.. my throat went all dry as I did not had a single sip of water since morning..;
Then I was given a local anaesthesia below my spinal cord and my gynac said that it would pain a bit..but it did not pain much..what pained the most was the IV they had inserted into my hand that remained for 3 long days!!!
My lower body had gone completely numb within 2 minutes..Also I was not able to sense my breath..I was panicking more and more within few minutes I could hear a baby crying out loud.. I asked the docs who's is that and they all laughed saying she's your's a girl! I asked them to show her to me but they made her left cheek touch mine after 5 mints..I felt so relieved at that moment!!!;
I feel all this tension and panicking was nothing when compared to the actual post delivery pain I had for the next 1 week..I felt so helpless..had to depend on others to even get up from the bed, to walk, and also to feed!!! I felt so shameful when the hospital caretakers (Aaya) assisted me in the toilet everytime.. The pain was horrible and carrying catheter along with me while trying to walk for the 1st 2 days even more horrible!!! I remember blood drops falling down on the floor while I was trying to get down from the bed to stand up with catheter in one hand! 😢😖☹️
I am sorry ladies for being so open about the whole thing but I wish somebody had shared it with me before my delivery so that I would have been well prepared.. I did not expect so much of pain post delivery.. 😭
I don't mean to scare you all but just want you all to be aware of the pros and cons of c-section as well.. I thought normal delivery was painful but c-section is equally painful..
But then holding your baby in your hands makes you forget all the pain trust me! ♥️😍♥️
Apologies for such a long delivery story!!! 😁










Kritika Lall

Awww hugs to u sweety &#128536; <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @6373bb51562cd100155a5c3a </b></span>





Your darling cutiepie is so adorable.





Can relate with each and every word,me too was having; problem in breathing and doc was not ready for inhaler,he was kept saying lambi saans lo beta&#128547;.<br> Post delivery days were soooo horrible as it was my second c'sec.but everything seems fine as I succeed in giving my elder one a sibling.<br> Doctors did'nt told me whom i deliver as she was a girl and i already had a girl,but when they saw reaction of my inlaws my hubby they announced me happily; that ITS A GIRL.&#128522;.




Kritika Lall

U r most welcome dear &#128522; thank you &#128524; <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @616da4fc791e5a0013a0a383 </b></span>




Neha Neha

<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6057345b641e05001a728bbe </b></font> thanku so much dear for sharing all this so openly... Your story has given me a real picture.. I wish if others also share their experiences like this as I still have a long way to go.....<br> And u both look just awesome.. truely adorable, hugs to both of u...&#128538;&#128538;



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