started weaning...gave mashed banana today..he hardly had a spoon!
how much to give? how much babies take initially?
Shreya Singh
02 Aug 2017
Shreya Singh
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @61321b91c71eba0013440537 </b></font> <br>
thank u soo much :)
02 Aug 2017
sonam patel
shreya...I too have started with weaning... the first day he rejected completely... second day it was just a spoon... and third day was much better... <br>
initially 2-3 spoons are enough.. and slowly baby will b eat... just have patience...
02 Aug 2017
Shreya Singh
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d5263791e5a0013a04aa4 </b></font> <br>
thank u so much. <br>
grt help...<br>
at the monent 15 ml also lukn difficult !<br>
hope wil be on track soon...<br>
yes hv spokn to pead too :)
02 Aug 2017
Aradhana Sharma
have patience Shreya, try tomorrow again,intially baby will eat only few spoons at first week ,gradually it will.incraease ,keep offering new things ,moong dal soup, carrot ,peer,apple puree, later rice and brown rice... there is no perfect measure how much to give baby but when u start new food test it atleast for three days to check any allergies , and first day give one or two spoon and only one time next day two table spoons two times in a day, when u see baby is accepting increase the amount to three spoons morning and evening only two times. one spoon generally equalls to 15 ml and at the end of the third day or fourth day when your baby is settling with food you will see your feeding 90 ml in a this you can increase the amount generally for 6 month old two feeds , around 90 ml or 100 ml per feed is enough , but this is not ideal calculation ,just for idea. read all articles of weaning in baby chakra u will get an idea, if your baby is willing to eat more you can give .. avoid salt and sugar.wait for atleast 6months to start food. ,hope if you have started early you have spoken to your doctor and check all symptoms of baby ready for weaning.. read this <b><font color ="#3b5998"><a href="">Weaning Food Recipe (4 to 6 months)</a></font></b> <font color ="#3b5998"><b><a href="">Weaning Foods for Indian Mums: Khyati's Checklist</a></b></font>. happy weaning :)
02 Aug 2017
khushboo chouhan
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b><a href="">12 Dos And Don'ts Of Weaning</a></b></span> <b><span style="color:#3B5998;"><a href="">Weaning Food Recipe (4 to 6 months)</a></span></b> <b><span style="color:#3B5998;"><a href="">A Beginner’s Guide to Weaning foods</a></span></b> hey read these articles, might be helpful for <u>you</u>
Shreya Singh
02 Aug 2017