Sweating it out! DAY- 3 Evening Today was my 1st day at Aerobics class, and this pic I took just after 15 mins of Cardio. It came out to be the most intense workout I have done in last 1 year.
I was clearly losing motivation when all the others were happily jumping around me and I was not able to catch my breath.
I had wrong expectations from my body, I tried to follow the group again after 10 mins but it was a blackout just after 5 more mins.
After spending the next 15 mins thinking about all the delicious food I savoured in last 2 years, I was up again to do some stretching, getting the well toned body was the driving factor here.
Taking 1 kg dumbbell in hands, I started what the trainer was doing, thankfully she saw me after 5 mins and pitied me for not even able to stand properly now and said 'its ok for 1st day' and I can start with just 30 mins from tomorrow.
Now I know how difficult it's going to be for me. Right now am trying to sleep as am super tired but can't as my whole body is aching badly.
Mommies need motivation...please pour in some 😌😌
06 Sep 2017
Neha Sharma
Thanks girl <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372c1453f31520016a69ec3 </b></font> 💪😘
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11 Sep 2017
Sumira Bhatia
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @6372d8dd17d2c800158d9008 </b></span> more power to you 💪💪good you're back up and around . . go slow . . don't fall sick again <u>haha</u>
11 Sep 2017
Neha Sharma
Love you all... thanks for all the motivation guys, last week was hell hectic, I was doing 45 mins swimming in morning and 30-40 mins aerobics in <u>evening</u> and taking care of my diet too but that exhaustion took toll on my health, caught fever, I was sleeping most of the time last 2 days but now am fine. 😁 gearing up for another happening week 😍
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11 Sep 2017
Yogini Kandre
Keep it up <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372d8dd17d2c800158d9008 </b></font>
09 Sep 2017
Sangeetha Karuna
Hey <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b><u> @6372d8dd17d2c800158d9008 </u></b></span>. Do not worry and you keep going girl. Btw, i i started with my my running as i m planning for a marathon this year end💃. Today was very tired once i ran for 10 min. So Neha, keep your moto as<br>
"just do it" ☺️
Neha Sharma
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11 Sep 2017