Teething in babies in another milestone both for the baby and for the parents. Teething can occur as early as 4 months to 24 months and it can be an irritating/discomfort feeling for some babies while some don’t show any signs at all. Many parents associate teething with fever and diarrhea, but researchers say these symptoms aren't indications of teething.; The two bottom front teeth are usually the first to appear, followed by the two top front teeth. Some common signs of teething in babies: Drooling Crankiness Loss of appetite Trouble Sleeping Slight Temperature Chewing on objects
How to soothe a teething baby: Remedies for teething in babies Teething is a natural process that every child goes through. Though I personally don`t recommend any ODC product, it is best to seek advice from your pediatrician. One can try the following tips to ease the irritability and discomfort of the child. Massage the gums with your clean finger Give a cold steel spoon to chew on Teething toys Teething sticks Teething necklace Cold foods like a chilled slice of cucumber, banana, carrot can be given; if your baby is already eating solids but always remember to keep a watchful eye on them as this could be a choking hazard And once your little one does cut a tooth or two, make sure to take good care to clean the area each day with a damp washcloth or soft bristle baby toothbrush. Continue with the habit of brushing otherwise they might not allow brushing their teeth once they are little older (as it happened with my son). Check out a few soft-bristle baby toothbrush from Amazon. Do drop in your comments about your teething experience with your little ones. And do subscribe to my blog for free updates, baby product reviews, new product launches, freebies and many more
Madhavi Cholera
12 Aug 2020