Thats baby D around 4-5 mo😇 with her #Krishna#Janmashtami updo and thousands of pictures for that special one! The trick - she loves ❤️ dahi (yogurt) and we gave her that to mess around!
Who doesn't love mess😉 Far from being a baby now, little #twoyearold D now..
🌤️Can sit for longer periods to play, at one place, with a game.. Like Legos
🌤️Prefers to clean up the mess later.. Thats one fun thing (as of yet) and a little positive motivation goes a looonngg way..
🌤️Has selective listening now (pretending she didn't hear us😱) you'll be there soon if not yet
🌤️Gets hurt, sad, offended, angry at the smallest of things (we know coz she tells us) I'm get glad at the fact that she atleast "knows" her emotions
❤️BEST OF ALL❤️She said "I love you" and "I like you" Mumma🌈❤️
khushboo chouhan
14 Aug 2017