THE BIG DEBATE IS BACK!!! #internationaldayofthegirlchild

On the occasion of INTERNATIONAL DAY OF GIRL CHILD - let's discuss an important topic:

Is the onus on mothers of boys to make them good citizens, give them proper values, ensure they respect every girl and woman...
Or is it the responsibility only of mothers of girls to equip her to be able to protect herself and survive this unsafe world where molestation in public transport, rape, sexual abuse is becoming a daily occurrence?
Should we teach our girls to accept our male dominating society or should we empower her to stand on her feet and fight for equal rights?

Please share your thoughts freely and fearlessly. This topic is close to my heart as I have a girl child and I don't know how to equip her for this unkind world....










asha chaudhry

awesome thoughts <b><font color ="#3b5998"> @61dbd6dada536000136e401c </font></b> <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372b45398dafd001537b557 </b></font> ! that's the only way our next generation will be a kinder &amp; safer one!




Sonam zarin

parenting has always been a difficult task.Raising a girl and a boy has same challenges.A girl is always taught more morals and cultural norms than boys which I think is wrong.Both needs a good teaching of morals and values.<br> Being the mother of a male child I would like to teach him two main things first is love and the other is respect.Love for humankind at large and respect for the opposite gender irrespective of their age, religious beliefs and culture .I want him to be strong enough to face the negative people and stand by the women around him.

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Sowmya Prithvi

This is one of the big question&nbsp; always running&nbsp; in my mind.. i always wanted boy child, as a girl i have faced many issues, i dint wanted my child also to face that..but still i love being&nbsp; a girl/women and i am always happy for it. these days boy or girl child equally&nbsp; getting abused,no child is safe. As a mother its our responsibility&nbsp; to teach our kids every human are equal and should be treated in a same manner. all moms wish every child should be safe and be procted from wrong things happening.. v.imp thing is to teach our kid is not to be silent, they should share every thing&nbsp; to parents and we should also share it to our kids.. And also i personally&nbsp; feel Mom of Boy child should teach more to respect women. and i have a wish of adopting&nbsp; a girl child in future hope then i vl have a complete family..:)

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asha chaudhry

<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @61321b91c71eba0013440537 </b></font> our mr pink potter patel is one lucky dude to hv u as his mom!




sonam patel

Being a women I have faced so many issues...I would just like all the girl to Open up and to b brought up in a good environment... If women are independent and open minded half of the problem is solved. <br> And being a mom to a son I would definitely make him understand that everyone on this earth should b respected... no matter its a boy or a's an animal or plant. I would certainly teach him how to cook ,how to wash his clothes and how to keep his room clean... It's just the responsibility of patents now to bring a change.

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