The most common concern that most; new parents of twins have is- ' Do we need double of everything for twins?'; Preparing for twins is surely a monumental task, but the good news is you don’t really need to buy double of everything.;
There are a few basic things that you will have to buy two each – like two car seats, two baby carriers, two feeding bottles, two baby beddings, two high/booster chairs, etc mainly because they cannot share them for safety reasons. However there are a lot of things that do not really require double investment on your part.;
Here is a quick list of those items:
1.;Play mat/Baby Gym-;From experience I can say infants do not play all day long.;So it’s wise to invest in just one and place the babies one by one on the same.
2. Rocker/Bouncer -;Rockers/Boucers are bulky and expensive. I bought two and realised they are space consuming too. They are surely useful especially in the first six months but do you really require two of them?May be just think of your requirement and then invest in them.
3. Bath Tub;– For young babies, you’ll mostly be giving them bath one by one, so you wouldn’t require two separate bath tubs.
4. Diaper Bag;– You are surely going to carry twice as much stuff in the diaper bag for your twins, but instead of going for two bags, go for one big and spacious one.
5. Toys;– Young babies do not really play much with toys. They are rather more interested in key chains, cardboard boxes etc.;So hands-me-down or thrift stores are a great option for them.;
6.;Clothes;– It’s cute to dress up your twins in similiar matching clothes but let’s be practical, in those initial months we are literally changing baby clothes every hour or so.;May be you can buy one or two pair of such matching clothes, for rest go easy and invest only in the basic stuff.
One main thing that I have learnt with twins is ‘less is more’. It not just helps to save money, but also a lot of space in the house.;As kids grow, we get to know more about their likings so it’s easy to choose which items to buy double. But in the initial few months, it’s only best to stick to the basic and essential stuff. #themomsagas #thetwinsagas
Charu Gujjal
03 Aug 2019