There is a lot of misinformation about fibroids out there, and that can be misleading. Fibroids are very common, and about half the women population has them. They are made of benign muscular and fibrous tissues and should not be associated with the term cancer without detailed investigation. Homeopathy helps Pain management associated with Fibroids. It regulates the menstrual cycle.
It arrests its growth and in a few cases it even dissolves the fibroids. Constitutional treatment is the treatment of choice in Homeopathy.
A detailed history analysis and evaluation of the symptoms, mental, physicals and Generals guides our doctors to prescribe the most appropriate medicines for You. A few commonly used medicines are Calc Carb, Sepia, Trillium Pendulum, Thalapsi Bursa Pastoris, Fraxanius Americana, Blumia , Sabina etc. But remember: Self medication does more harm than good.
Kindly consult trained Homeopathic doctors if you have Fibroids. To book an appointment, call on
Isha Pal
06 Sep 2019