There is constant debate between parenting styles of stay-at-home mom and a working mom. What do you think?

- Stay at home moms are more strict with kids?
- Cannot be compared
- Working moms are more strict with kids?











Hi...<br> Actually this is very confusing question....<br> Roughly speaking we cannot compare between the working and stay at home moms as it depends upon the nature of the parents /mom, atmosphere around and the culture in which child is being brought up.<br> But yes if you really want to differentiate between working and stay at home mom; then non working mom could be more strict than working mom. Because being at home non working mom continuously observes the behaviour of her child and continuously guides on what is right and wrong. This makes child to feel like intrusion in its freedom which creates actions and reactions. which ultimately results in strict behaviour. Whereas working moms cannot attend their child all the time due to their working schedule which creates guilt conscious in them. So in remaining time they pamper their baby more than any other.<br> So that we generally observe around that these children are more demanding than the children of non working moms.<br> off course its my personal observation and 0pinion. Others&nbsp; opinion may differ from this as there is very thin line to compare.<br> Thank you...




Macdalin Suresh

yes i go with Dr.&nbsp; <u>shilpitha</u>




Hirali Vakharia

hi..I am a working mother &amp; resumed office when my daughter was 5 months old. I am sure just like me, many moms would be always carrying a sense of guilt on their&nbsp; shoulders for not being able to be with their child &amp; burdening someone for taking care of her child..Yeah..these are INDEED the things which we can't wipe off from our mind. But then what?? isn't it our choice to work or stay at home? Isn't <u>it</u> our dilemma? And I think the most important thing is not how much time we spend with our child, rather important thing is the Quality Time. Make sure you compensate your love, caresses, cuddles etc etc in limited time, n I am sure, you'll make your child's day..So stay up Mommies !!!




Roopashree Siddireddy

Kids once they start walking...there all problems start. Coz.. all those days they use to see things but cudnt able to reach. And slowly their mind will also run like anything. Working mom will be liberal and won't be strict initially. May be they are worried that baby is taken care by someone. Don't know whether baby had its meals properly or not. Whether baby was ok in their absence. And they will strict later when kids are bit independent and their pampering have spoiled them etc etc. Stay at home mom will strict initially, they want kids to be well behaved and listen to them. As they also go through a lot in a day... whole day taking care of baby is not an easy task. But they will be more liberal once kids grow up a little and started going to school. Again it all depends on situation and person to person.. whenever moms feels that their kids are crossing their limits, their behaviour may impact their future.. that time ( be it working or stay home) mom will be strict. And that strictness is for baby's welfare. After all we have taken all pain just to keep our baby safe and happy.




Akanksha Bhuri

According to me, both shouldn't be compared.Either stay at home, or working mom, both want their baby to stay healthy and happy. A stay at mom ensures that their children stay well n eat well.. working mom sets an example as to moms can work n <u>earn</u> too. irrespective of the tag working or not, both are wonderful, they are superheroes in the eyes of their children!!



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