This is how on most days dd allows me to do household stuff.. else she just wants me to keep playing with her..i usually make a game out of the house work but there are days where she just wants to be held close.. babywearing to the rescue! that is how we fold sheets, put clothes to dry etc :) she happily watches and stays entertained ❤
24 Jun 2017
Shef Tiwari
hehe yes we mostly do that too <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @629847e308f7c30014119c82 </b></font> i love how they copy and learn small small things from us :D i was a lazy baby but she isnt.. gone on my hubby lol
24 Jun 2017
Roopashree Siddireddy
yes. But any kind of weight is causing too much problem for me.. so.. I am just involving my gal in my work. She will help picking clothes to be washed and we dump in washing machine..later she will help me dry. Help me in arranging utensils back to their rack. Sit beside me and watch me cooking. Help me in watering plants. Only thing she is lazy to going to school and eating. ha ha ha ha ha..
24 Jun 2017
Shef Tiwari
thats lovely <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372d8bf29c20f001575a1de </b></font> 👏👏
24 Jun 2017
Shruti Giri
i did this when my baby was a newborn... but i too had a back pain n shoulder pain sometimes... at that time i didn't know about anmol carriers... one of my friends is having this Anmol ergonomic baby ring slings and carriers.. n that was an awesome experience wen i tried that..☺
24 Jun 2017
Shef Tiwari
<a href=""><b><font color ="#3b5998">Roopashree Siddireddy</font></b></a>thats so nice  to hear..its an amazing feeling to keep them close and be able to fulfill their needs :) and the beautiful carriers make you more greedy to shop🙈 sorry to hear about the pain.. if a right carrier is used especially ergonomic it will not give you pain at all if worn <u>correctly</u> :) it spreads the weight equally on your body :) my dd is 3.5 years and 19 kgs. i started carrying her when she was about 4 months old. i do have cervical and back issue but babywearing in an ergonomic carrier  really helps :) do explore that option if you can ❤
Shef Tiwari
24 Jun 2017