This is the screenshot taken from the internet at 23.00 on Tuesday, 7 November 2017. The Air Quality Index till 100 is moderate. I wonder AQI of 999 be called..
Look at the plight of our city. .. smog all around day or night. That too at a severe criminal level. Is that why I took so much of care of my child since I had him in my womb??.
So that some lame burn some agricultural waste or industrial emissions or whatever make the air not only unfit but as hazardous as smoking 50 cigarettes a day?? Are you kidding me??.. I don’t even let a person who has smoked near him.. forget about someone else smoking near him or him smoking..
As a blessed class, we can use air purifiers or be indoors; but about those who can’t?? Do they have a lesser right to live??
I am exasperated, displeased and provoked as I am a mother and know what it takes to bring life into the world.. and for some reason if I see there are somethings I cant help for my baby... I feel annoyed... .
Please god .. save us all the horror.. we need fresh air today and tomorrow.. 🙏 .
08 Nov 2017
Manvi Bhandari
Omg!! Its really sad nd horrible. We all should do something to get the change. Its high time. I m really worried for my entire family from my parents side, all are settled in delhi.
08 Nov 2017
Shivangi Goel
<b><span style="color:#3B5998;"> @5a3cf70940e68736e8b993ec </span></b>; its insane whats happening here..😔
08 Nov 2017
Sumira Bhatia
We need absolutely NEED to get wiser in our choices! For our kids really if not for anyone else . .
08 Nov 2017
Shiny Vincent
I am really really worried for my loved ones my Mum Dad and all of you out there specially in delhi..😕😕
08 Nov 2017
Shivangi Goel
Really.. I wonder if thats the so called BEST we are giving our kiddos..😣
Manvi Bhandari
08 Nov 2017