यह लाइव चैट "बच्चों में दांत आना और अंगूठा चूसना" इसके बारे में है, हमारे विशेषज्ञ यह विषय से संबंधित आपके सभी प्रश्न का उत्तर देंगे.
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This Live QnA is about "All About Milk Teeth, Teething & Finger Sucking" be there on the App to answer all your questions.
नाम: डॉ. अंसिल पप्पाचन
दिनांक: 29 अगस्त 2019
समय: दोपहर 3: 30 से 4:30 बजे तक
पदनाम: डेन्टिस्ट
विषय: बच्चों में दांत आना और अंगूठा चूसना
महत्वपूर्ण: प्रश्न कैसे पूछे? टिप्पणी अनुभाग के तहत अपने सभी प्रश्न लिखें, हमारा विशेषज्ञ आपके प्रश्न का उत्तर देंगे
Name: Dr. Ansil Pappachan
Date: 29th August 2019
Timing:3:30 to 4:30 pm
Designation: Dentist
Topic: All About Milk Teeth, Teething & Finger Sucking
IMPORTANT: How to ask a question? Ask your question by separately posting with the hashtag #askAnsil. Please ensure you use the hashtag to get your query answered. If you are posting from the website, then ask your question using #askAnsil. #liveqna#askansil
28 Aug 2019
rojalin panda
hello doctor hi this is rojalin I<br>
have a baby boy and right now he is 5 month old I wanted to know that my boy shocking his hand please suggest anything regarding this
01 Aug 2022
Ayushi Gupta
<b><a style="text-decoration:none" href="http://app.babychakra.com/hashtag/ansil"><font color="#2b5998"><span>#</span></font><font color="#2b5998">ansil</font></a></b> my son is 4 year old and has a habit of putting his thumb in his mouth, initially it was occasional while sleeping but now he is into it all thr tym.. Please suggest, I m really worried how to get rid of this habit . I have tried applying black pepper, neem oil etc but he being mature enough to clean all this, it comes out of no use.
# my 4months old baby sucks her all the fingers together. She sometimes sucks deeply with two fingers which causes her to vomit
29 Aug 2019
<b><a style="text-decoration:none" href="http://app.babychakra.com/hashtag/askansil"><font color="#2b5998"><span>#</span></font><font color="#2b5998">askansil</font></a></b> .My baby 8months n few days old<br>
She keeps on crying slowly even when is not hungry .She keeps on clinching her gums ,place fingers and other objects inside mouth .It appears as if her gums are irritated.Is there anything I can do to calm her?
rojalin panda
01 Aug 2022