#Weaning for all the new moms I was very much excited when I was about to begin with semi solids. I wanted my child to taste all the new flavours. But it's really not as easy as it seems. I went through all the articles here... Talked to the pediatrician... And then the journey began. He rejected every new item in the first few days and then started with a spoon or two. So, always the key is have patience and go slow. But do you know some of the foods are not safe for your baby... Some pose a choking hazard and some are not good for digestive system. ●Nothing apart from Breast milk or formula milk should be given till 6 months of age. Babies exclusively on Formula can be weaned a little earlier but with the consent of pediatrician. ●Food items to be avoided from 6-12 months of age:-
● Cow's milk or packaged milk - Baby can't digest the proteins in cow's milk. And these beverages contain mineral in amount that can even damage baby's kidney. ●Honey- Honey should be avoided till one year of age aa this can lead to botulism. Symptoms can be weak muscle tone, constipation, weakness, difficulty in swallowing. ●Salt- Salt too can have a bad effect on kidneys. So, babies shouldn't have salt. ●Sugar- Sugar is refined from lot of chemical processes which can be harmful for babies... Instead you can use healthier option like palm candy, palm jaggery or normal jaggery. ●Sticky foods - Items like chewing gums, jelly beans, marshmallow should be avoided as they can pose choking hazard. ●Processed foods- Processed foods like pastas, soups, vegetables are high in sodium content which may be hard for 6-8 months old baby's kidney to filter. ●Nuts- Whole nuts should be avoided till baby is 4 as they can pose choking hazard... Rather you can use powdered nuts if baby is not allergic to it. So, give proper food for a healthy baby. Happy weaning to all the momma's who have just started with it.
02 Sep 2017
sonam patel
Thanks <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @5c135b21f0a7fe31ca5875d0 </b></font>
07 Nov 2017
Timely info .. very useful.. thanks <u>sonam</u>
06 Nov 2017
Sumira Bhatia
06 Nov 2017
sonam patel
thank you <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @5f6df810c0de030045721a33 </b></font> <b><font color ="#3b5998"> @63729b593f31520016a69b80 </font></b> <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372999217d2c800158d8bec </b></font> <b><font color ="#3b5998"> @6372dce4d28b060015d965bd </font></b> <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @629847e308f7c30014119c82 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font>
sonam patel
07 Nov 2017