Tips for natural birth - Here are the top tips, which are definitely worth a read if you’re approaching your due date. Of course, the birth you want, is not guaranteed to be the birth you get, but even if you don’t have the drug-free vaginal birth you’d hoped for, you will have still helped yourself get through even just a bit of the marathon that is labour. And just remember, while it might be a marathon, no one is handing out medals . You don’t win, just because you avoided pain relief. You didn’t lose because you had a c-section. But because many of us do go into this process hoping for as natural a birth experience as possible, we think it’s helpful to read what’s worked for other moms - 1. Eat well in Pregnancy so that you and your baby are strong . 2. Don’t be afraid. Easier said than done, but try and think positively about your birth throughout your pregnancy and constantly tell yourself you will be able to do it. Fear shuts the body down pretty fast and tenses you up – not what you need in labour. 3. Remember the pain is temporary. You know it’s going to end, however long that may take. And when it does you’ll also be meeting your baby. Keeping the pain in perspective can help you get through it. 4. Use your breathing and trust your body. Your body knows what it’s doing here and all sorts of systems are firing up and guiding that baby out. Trust it to do its job. Think of your contractions as waves or a flower opening up. 5. Take your mind off contractions. Some people get in the labour zone and go into themselves, but for others distraction is really useful. Having a stash of funny movies to hand can be really helpful to take your mind off the pain. Play a music which u love listening to or chant a prayer . 6. Understand your options and the various interventions before you go into labour. But don’t be afraid to change your “plan”, flexibility is key. Remember that you can only control so much (in fact very little). 7. Lots of back rubs. Pressure on the lower back can really help, or for some people it’s just the comfort of the physical touch. For others the last thing you’ll feel like is someone touching you, so just go with what feels right at the time. 8. Use birth aids. Whether it’s a Rolling pin , hot water towel or ice chips or a birth pool or a swiss ball, these little tools can all help you at various stages of labour so have them at the ready and make use of them if you want to. 9. Think about your labour positions. You want to be in positions that open up your pelvis as much as possible rather than lying on your back. 10. Keep your jaw loose so that your bottom stays soft and ready . 11. Take lot of potty trips so that the baby has space to come down . 12. Talk to your baby in Pregnancy and in Labor. Do you have some tips of your own? Comment below .
03 Mar 2017
Was worried thinking about labour pain...but feeling relaxed after reading this post....
12 Jan 2018