Long Post Alert... I interact with a few dozen toddler mommas across several communities... I joined in all the good ones & I am glad I did. Being slightly out of the 'young mother' age group, I desperately seeked connect to get good counsel when required. My friends do not even remember what they fed their kids (please read teens or beyond) yesterday. A toddler momma is constantly worried about a few things... and over time I realized it was naturally coming. We so bogged down by, "my toddler does eat", "my toddler does not take 2 naps", "my toddler is not speaking yet"... CHILL! Deep Breathe (yes it solves a lot of issues, yes it is my favorite advise, it regulates blood circulation & improves the ability to think). The child is the father of mankind is not a random saying... we are born with all the senses we need. We are alive to those till we kill it ourselves. ● Food - let them decide when they want to eat. Force feeding is setting a wrong precedence as we do not allow the natural body system to react. You so worried about junk? Yesh it is worrisome but do not kill yourself to eliminate it. Your baby needs you alive! ● Talking - Toddlers need someone to talk to to start talking... this Pandamic has been tough on all of us. They will learn. Chill & just keep talking to them ● Learning - Online classes for a preschooler is neither advisable not practical. I am good with losing a year if we have to but physical interaction is imperative. Do not fall for all the promotions of kids have a wider absorption capability till 3 years. This is till 6 years, you have a lot of time to catch up... Chill! This is not a rat race we are in... What our kids will turn out to be depends on what "Sanskar" we impart so spend all your available time turning them into the humans you want them to be. Teach them compassion, empathy... Love them loads & play with them loads... they grow up too fast... ● Immunity - Kya lagaon & kya khila doon... So this is going to go on much after they have kids if U are still around... skin health is more to do with what they eat & how much they sleep. Immunity is a very roughed up word in the current scenario & I believe it is a lot to do with your environmental exposure (not advised currently). Once we through with this pandamic, let them play in mud & sand. Do not be too fussy about what they eat & when. Get done with local foods first is my theory on offering foods. They help the immune system co God designed them for us. ● Last but not the least - Do not compare your kids - each baby is different & has their own milestones. Ensure your pediatrician is ok with their development. Most times they know the best. The best blessing you have is that you are a momma, someone looks up into your eyes & counts on you. Yes you have the responsibility of that little life but beating yourself up to be "At Par" is not required. Do not make this a competition... you are losing on those precious moments you should be savoring! Happy Momma = Happy Munchkin 💞
28 Apr 2021
Madhavi Cholera
Yes agree with you totally dear! Very helpful post & Thank you so much for sharing with us! pic is awesome ❤
Madhavi Cholera
28 Apr 2021