TOMORROWLAND is a 2015 mystery adventure blended into a science fiction and is loosely based on the theme park of the same name set at 6 of the many Disney Lands (the first one was constructed in 1955 in California).
The narrative conveys-
(1) Survival of the smartest/kindest
(2) Environmental issues
(3) Encourages the youth to think out of the box & never give up
(4) A beautiful future for Earth is highly likely.
A zealously optimistic script, Tomorrowland embarks your kid into an ultramodern ride from 1964 to an unidentified but overwhelming futuristic city.
Stunning landscape & dazzling graphics can probably leave your kid feeling like s/he were actually in Disney Land :-). The rocket launch from Eiffel Tower, the super-speed ride in a teleportation device, the ecstasy of riding on a machine that takes you to any point in time or the excitement of possessing the T pin – all these stimulate the imagination of every child.
Nearest Tomorrowland: Disney Land, Hong Kong!
Watch it on Movies Now on 22-July, Sat at 6:40pm