Sounds so scary right? But sometimes you have to manage things according to the situation. I travelled after 10 months of pandemic with my baby who is 20 months old and doesn't like to sit at one place. My thoughts were eating my head on how will I be gonna manage things when I will be at the airport. So many people will be around us and as you all know mostly toddlers under 2-3 years don't wear mask . Finally the day came and we finally begun our trip. As expected my baby didn't allow me to put mask on him. What precautions did I take when I was at airport .
✓ Maintained 6 feet of distance from people.
✓ Used sanitizer for everything before and after touching anything.
✓ Don't allow your kid to touch anything or if you cannot then better sanitize if you see him touching anything.
✓ I carried home cooked food, water, tissues, toys and every possible thing I could carry.
✓ Tried avoiding interaction with anyone.
✓ In plane i again sanitized our seats and safety manuals.
✓ I tried to engage him throughout the air travel with his toys, books, outside view (but luckily he slept while takeoff and got while landing).
✓ Try to ask someone you know closely to hitch to and from the airport.
Aswathi V
24 Mar 2022