Twins Once you have found out that you are expecting twins it can very exciting. It can also be scary as you think about how you will manage two babies at once.
Breastfeeding twins
Because breastmilk supply increases with extra demands, most women can breastfeed twins well. This can mean much less work compared to preparing and giving formula. Because of the extra challenges of feeding two babies, it might help if you get in touch with your local breastfeeding association, a lactation consultant or your local branch of the Multiple Birth Association before the birth of your babies. Your midwife or community child health nurse will also be able to give support. Breastfeeding has many advantages. It provides the best food for babies and it helps prevent some common infections.
Make sure you get as much rest as you can and remember to eat nutritious meals.
You can feed the babies together or separately. Feeding both babies at once can give you more time to get some rest in between feeds. You may want to feed separately some of the time so you get more chance to get to know each baby.
Have a look at our topic 'Breastfeeding - more about breastfeeding' for information about breastfeeding twins and about feeding premature babies. Bottle feeding twins
If you are bottle feeding your babies, if you can feed each baby separately this separate closeness and touching can help with bonding with the baby. If you try to feed them together you will find you are holding the bottles, not the babies! Caring for twins at home
Looking after even one baby can make you feel very tired, and caring for two babies can be even harder if they are unsettled. The most common cause of depression for new mothers is fatigue. Note: If you can manage getting a bit of extra help in the house after the babies are born this can be a great help – even if you have to go without something else.
Arushi Arora
29 Dec 2017