Urgently need help my baby is 22 days old till now bf but not gaining weight rather loosing m not producing enough milk and c is getting weaker dr told to interdicted fm milk with combinations of bm pls help how to do it means how to give both n c can digest properly and how to know over feeding.. And pro and cons of mix feeding pls help
Parveen Sofian
09 May 2017
Tashika Dhar
yes baby loose his weight after birth my son weight was 3.25 at the time of birth...after 20 days he was on 3 kg but after 30 days he started putting his weight now he is 1 month 10 days old with 4+ kg weight
10 May 2017
Neha Gupta
Dear Don't get panic every baby loose his weight after birth.....my son also loose weight his seem like soon weak but my doctor recommended to me keep going to feed baby more n more BM.....then his recover his health... slowly slowly......baby loose his weight REASON:- Newborn baby sleep more the 20 hours his not taking milk..... that why doctor said every 2 hours awake to baby and feed him....Vihaan my baby pic his also so much reduce his weight. After the <u>birth</u>
10 May 2017
Priya Sood
Hi. There is no harm but as all have mentioned bf is the best. Has the pedeatrician said his wait is ok? Do read useful articles on <b><font color ="#3b5998"><a href="http://app.babychakra.com/collection/131">Breastfeeding Tips</a></font></b> and much more.<br>
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372d6db573f5c0015bc401b </b></font> pls add
10 May 2017
Parveen Sofian
There is no lactation expert at my town and m not giving her fm milk 30 ml and alternative bf.. Hope it's good..
10 May 2017
Sonika Singh
if doctor said you can give formula milk ..two time ..plz used blow and vessel..try to feed her more more breatfeed..it will increase..no worries dear..used Nan pro formula milk..
Tashika Dhar
10 May 2017