Useful Tips for Infant Care in Winter

To Ensure he stays healthy throughout the season, there are a few tips you can remember and put into action in order to keep your child safe.
🧣Use a Moisturizer :

Your child’s skin is extremely sensitive and the harsh atmosphere of the winter does not treat it gently. To keep your child’s skin in the soft make use of creams or lotion that are rich in milk cream and butter.
🧣Don’t Use a Lot of Products :

Tell parents to take care of their baby, and most of them will typically overdo it. Applying lotions and creams is fine. But in the attempt to keep your baby clean and safe for infection, you might give him numerous baths, which further exposes him to soaps and shampoos. These rob the little one’s skin from the existing moisture and make dry skin even worse. Water baths during winters are fine and opt for using soaps once in a week or u can make him bath alternate days.
🧣Massage Your Baby Well :

No matter what season your baby has been born in, massaging your child is highly recommended by doctors and caretakers. The very act of massaging stimulates the blood flow within the body and increases the sense of well-being, which indirectly boosts the immunity within your kid as well. Maintain a warm atmosphere when massaging your baby you can use natural oils, too.
🧣Use a Room Heater or Humidifier :

In certain areas, the temperature can suddenly change quite a bit, making it necessary to use heating systems or portable heaters next to your child Install a humidifier in the room as well so that the moisture levels are maintained.
🧣Use Comfortable Clothing :

Keeping your child continusaly wrapped up in thick sweaters, gloves, socks and a cap could make baby quite irritating. Choose to clothe depending on the room temperature, and clothes that fully cover his body gloves and socks are recommended as well since it is enough to make your child sleep peacefully.
🧣Use light Blankets :

Laying a nice heavy blanket on your baby to keep him warm isn’t the safest way for your child. The inability of your child to shift the blanket and the chance of it pulling above his face could result in a sudden infant death. Use a light blanket and keep room temperature optimal.
🧣Maintain a Warm Temperature :

It is best to keep the windows shut if you are in a place where cold air keeps blowing quite frequently. That being said, make sure there is a way that the air in the room stays ventilated. Use a heater, if required, so that your baby is comfortable by himself.
🧣Don’t Stop Breastfeeding :

If you are a Breastfeeding mom You must not stop BF as Mother’s milk help the baby strengthen his own immunity and protect him from the usual diseases. Continuing to breastfeed during winter makes sure that this support from the mother remains undeterred. Furthermore, the warmth of your body and your milk can be quite relaxing for the child as well.

🧣Maintaining Your Own Hygiene :

You are going to be the first point of contact for your child. Which is why it is absolutely necessary for you to be clean and healthy as a protection for your own baby. Wash your hands and disinfect them with a sanitizer every time you attend to your child.Inform any visitors or guests to do the same as well.
🧣Outdoor care :

Make sure your baby is protected from head to toe before taking him out. Any exposure of the skin to the cold wind could make him uncomfortable quickly.
🧣 Include Soup in The Diet :

If your baby has reached the age where he can start going for solids, winter is a great time to introduce him to the world of soups. The cold atmosphere mixed with a warm soup can be absolutely enticing for anyone. Using chicken or vegetables by crushing them down to a fine puree and making soup from it, is the best option for your child. If possible, try including some garlic with the soup too, since it is known to be a natural remedy for treating winter ailments.
🧣Don't Stop The Vaccination :

winter is a time when babies tend to fall sick and their immunity levels are reduced as well. But that isn’t a reason to skip any vaccine for the fear that it might make your baby ill. On the contrary, it is highly important to give him the dose he needs at the right time, so that he doesn’t face problems ahead in life or even during the same winter, too. In case you do end up skipping it by chance, get the next date confirmed from your doctor and go for it without fail. #bbcrratorsclub #bbcawareness #mylilmonkey #mylilman #bbcreatorsmom #wintercare










Himali Joshi

Very thoughtful post




Sania Bhushan

Very helpful post




Bhavna Anadkat

Helpful post





Very helpful post





Helpful post 👏



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