UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) is a very serious issue. It is very easy for women to be affected by this.Therenis a sharp stinging pain each time you pee. You can be seriously affected by UTI. I am sharing a few things that I do to completely avoid this.
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💁Drink plenty of water. By doing this you tend to wash out bacteria quiet often and will be away from being affected by UTI. . .
💁Use a sanitary spray like peesafe spray when you use public toilet.
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💁Do not use harmful soaps near your private parts. . .
💁 Ensure you keep the bathroom clean after each use so someone else doesn't get affected. . .
💁Seek immediate medical advice from your doctor if you feel something is wrong. . .
I have been traveling recently and using a public toilet is a huge concern for me. So these are stuffs up my sleeve to not be affected by UTI. Do tell me if you have been affected by it and have come out and what do you do to avoid it?!! . .
21 Jan 2020
Ragendu Rajan
Thank you ❤
22 Jan 2020
Madhavi Cholera
this is really much helpful post..thanks for sharing dear..
Ragendu Rajan
22 Jan 2020