We in the Community team at BabyChakra love what we do everyday and we love each and every member of this awesome community. It becomes even more awesome when parents on the platform reach out to us asking how they can get more involved or just open up and speak up and start seeking help on this super supportive platform. It is almost exhilarating to see new parents or silent parents make a post or ask a question or reach out to us or start adopting wonderful features we have built out to help parents like Tagging a mom, chat one on one privately or search for discussion threads.
So silent members, like this post if you are listening :)
I wanted to ask our active mums out here if they would love to discuss with me some of the ways in which we can help silent members or new members with their journey and help them get more value than they currently do from this super engaged platform. Raise your hands if you want to get involved!
Kritika Lall
30 Oct 2017