#weaningoffthebreast #wisdomofthecrowd I thought of writing about my experience with my bf journey n weaning( which still hasn't ended), coz bf has been a lifesaver in Soo many ways for me- - first, do not compare your baby/child, his requirements, your circumstances, or preferences.
My kids completely rejected bottles, even when filled with my milk- they only wanted it direct from source.
Hence things were very different for me...
- decide until when you would want to breastfeed, I wanted to prolong it , but that just made/has made weaning more difficult.
So make a choice early on.
- I fed my first born through my second pregnancy (too many reasons for that), and stopped abruptly when new baby came.
But I will suggest that if you are pregnant n breastfeeding, then start weaning as soon as possible.
(I delivered a healthy baby, in contradiction to people's comments that baby wouldn't get nutrients if I continued bf).
- weaning process may cause behavioural changes briefly in some toddlers, so it's better done before the new baby arrives.
- get help! To put baby to sleep, comfort and distract.
I'm still struggling with this point.
- when someone does happen to see or know that I'm still bf, they look at me with a question mark! But it's a choice I've made, and my toddler is more than happy to continue! However, for obvious reasons, the time has come to start the weaning process- slowly day by day. Wish me luck!!
#xraymom #twomuchfun
27 Jan 2018
Dr Payal
Ya same here Manvi!
28 Jan 2018
Manvi Bhandari
Yes <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d51e8ca67e40013aa9222 </b></font> not feeling asahmed like. But bit embarasing when that lady was smiling on that.. uff poor lady😝 but navya demands more when she only find me the whole day in the house. Like mom means dudu. On weekends, when her dad is at home, she wont demand much
28 Jan 2018
Manvi Bhandari
Haha <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63729b593f31520016a69b80 </b></font> di, navya also does so. In kurtis she wont be able to😂 but in tops she easily lift up nd shout loud du du😁
28 Jan 2018
Dr Payal
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @616d51179dc2de0015c6e0a8 </b></span><span style="color:#3B5998;"><b></b></span><span style="color:#3B5998;"><b></b></span> never feel ashamed or give explanation to anyone.<br>
Ur baby is only 1. It's normal for baby to demand a feed. <u>They</u> don't know what's public or private na. Just take it in lighthearted manner.
27 Jan 2018
Dr Payal
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @5f6e0765abe65c0046934504 </b></span><span style="color:#3B5998;"><b></b></span> he has a couple of times, but hasn't hurt me. <br>
A friend of mine refused to feed her baby after being bitten - she told the baby u don't get anymore now, n that was the end,; right there n then!
Dr Payal
28 Jan 2018