Hello People! Come ring in 2018 with your favorite moms and moms-to-be at the BabyChakra's New Year Eve's Bash on the App!
We know some of you are expecting or have very small babies and can't go out to celebrate New Year's Eve. But hey, so what? We've planned an exciting NEW YEAR'S EVE BASH ALL DAY LONG TOMORROW on the app! There's gonna be fashion, food, games, astro predictions, music, dancing and lots, lots more!!
That's all we're telling you for now! Cook in advance, get daddy to babysit, tell your family to take a chill pill, ignore the stale TV celebrations AND DO NOT MISS THIS PARTY!!
Come and join us!! Who are all coming to our party? Raise your hands!
Dr.Dhanya Prajesh
31 Dec 2017