What is Equal parenting;
Equal parenting is responsibilities of kids which is divided by parents to nurture the kids; .
Children will also feel the importance of both parents they love to see their parents together laughing talking , working doing house chores together

; ; ; ; ; ; I got pregnant after three months of marriage actually we didn't planned it just happened we both were working suddenly I had to quit my job I was having complications during my pregnancy.
; ; ; ;When aayush was born I was taken to my mom's place there I used to miss my husband a lot .my parents were taking of me along with my baby .my husband used to come every day to my home there is only thirty minutes gap between our homes.we used to have a chat in between and he always try make sure whether I lack something which he can buy for me and my baby.we used to discuss about each and every step for future of our baby.i always wanted him to get bonded with the baby.we we're learning together to become a good parents of our only child.we always believed that he our lucky charm gifted by God.
; ; ; ; ;My husband is so dedicated to his work that like he was planning a financial future for his son .as soon as he come home aayush used to make loud noise when he hears his father's voice while talking with me.when I came to my home (husband's place)along with my baby his dad had a surprise for him and that surprise was a red coloured; cradle he loved it he used to play with the doll which has been hooked in rod of;;that way; his dad started taking responsibility towards the baby .there was a storage stand in which u can find many clothes of different colours.
At night aayush used to cry a lot his dad take him to his shoulder and make him calm rubbing on his back , in this way he also used to have a sleepless nights then he wake up at morning have breakfast and leave for work .he calls in-between the work; hour to make sure whether I done breakfast ,what I had for lunch , we r fine ,at evening aayush dad come from office get fresh,have; little bit snacks then he handles him and I prepare food for dinner.while comming from office my husband would buy vegetables for next day;;this way we used to manage together and live happily with our son .
; ; ; ;when aayush; was infant we would take him to hospital for vaccination his dad just close his eyes grabbing baby's hand for injection and I; used to be strong .
; ; ; ;What we used to do is we write down all suggestions towards each and everything and would discuss it and also make note down in a calendar about baby's vaccination date.
Being a parent is our duty to look for best schools in our locality then we found nearby school with proper education and hygiene facilities .
;We started taking responsibility towards his studies too in a different time .as he is very clever boy he has performed well.
; ; We always want our kids to be happy independent confident it possible if they r; grow in a good surrounding or u; can call good a parent we should make schedule for each matter then only they will follow these instructions by observing us.we also trying to maintain a good manners like pray before sleeping and after waking up in morning no matter what others would think about us it our Responsibility to mould them into good character that can make others proud a parent we should encourage them in each step of exam .we should tell our kid they r nothing and can't do anything may be in future they shall fail with any circumstances we should be there for them we can only understand them;
; ; ; ;Always be there for kids even they r grown for us but still they our little baby;
We should not help them directly we can encourage them by sharing Ur own experience say good things about them yes they still want our attention like they used to have when they were young .
;Make them understand that we parents are angry with them it's because we want they should be able to make own decisions, has to face the problems and try to solve it with a confidence.
; ; ; Main important we as a parent should make them understand that they r also going to have a family children they should also give important to Ur children take time for studies,like we have given to u. Make travel plans ,share ur stories Ur wonderful moments,always make a plan to visit Ur distant relatives,have meals together this makes a complete family
;I hope you will love my post as it is very lengthy😀 enjoy reading my post; #fathersday #equalparent ; #babychakradad #bbcreatorclub #raising kids #parents hack











Sania Bhushan

Lovely post👌👌




Durga salvi

Beautifully written dear..<br> Awesome pics.




Sathya Kalaiselven

Lovely &#128525;&#10084;&#65039;





Lovely pic




Sapna Senthil

Nice pictures very beautifully framed



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