What is swaddling?? Is it the wrapping of a baby in a soft cloth.. doesn't it hurt???
Samidha Mathur
31 Mar 2022
Seema Bhatia
Swaddling is nothing but a way to wrapped your baby. A blanket wrapped snuggly around your baby's body can resemble the mother's womb and help soothe your newborn baby.. Swaddling protects your baby against their natural startle reflex, which means better sleep for both of you. It may help calm a colicky baby. It helps eliminate anxiety in your baby by imitating your touch, which helps your baby learn to self-sooth. It keeps her hands off her face and helps prevent scratching.
01 Apr 2022
Dr Pooja
Swaddling is a traditional practice of wrapping a baby up gently in a light, breathable blanket to help them feel calm and sleep. They should only have their body wrapped and not their neck or head. The idea is that being swaddled will help your little one feel snug and secure, like how they felt in your womb.. It doesnt hurt your child. It help the child to feel secure and make the kid sleep for a longer time. It helps eliminate anxiety in your baby by imitating your touch, which helps your baby learn to self-sooth. It keeps her hands off her face and helps prevent scratching. I hope this help you clear your doubt
Seema Bhatia
01 Apr 2022