When And How To Introduce Cow's Milk To Your Baby's Diet?
Do you have to run every day behind your kid to feed him a glass of milk? Do you wish there were simpler ways to feed milk to your munchkin? Well, there are no other ‘ways to feed’ him, but yes there are tactics to follow while you plan to add cow’s milk to your child’s diet. Mother’s milk or formula is the best food for your baby. But, as he grows, his nutrition requirement increases and demands change in dietary patterns. Switching to an alternate milk source, apart from breast milk or formula milk, for a baby seems to be a perfectly normal milestone, but in actual the process of introducing cow’s milk to your baby needs some strategy. It is very difficult for infants under one year to digest cow’s milk; the high level of potassium, sodium and chloride in cow milk for baby can even have negative effect on baby’s kidneys. Cow’s milk lack minerals and vitamins needed for proper growth for infants less than 12 months. Thus, it is better to wait till your baby becomes a year old, to switch to cow’s milk. Cow’s Milk At 6 Months: For those babies who do not have a family history of lactose intolerance or allergies and are eating a wide range of solid foods, cow’s milk can be introduced in their foods while cooking. At this time, cow’s milk should not be introduced independently; rather, it should be given slowly and in addition to their regular formula milk intake or breast feed. Cow Milk For Babies At 1 Year Old: How to start baby on cows milk? It is ideal to introduce your baby to alternate milk source at the age of one. At this age, he might have already started some solid foods, so the transition will be easier. Cow’s milk is cheaper than toddler’s formula, which is a reason many parents want to introduce it soon to their baby. But if you start offering it to your baby too early, he may end up with iron deficiency; so wait till your baby reaches one year and then slowly start him/her on cow’s milk. For baby’s nutrition needs, you can also opt for other sources like direct breastfeeding or by pumping or continuing formula milk. It is advisable that you introduce cow’s milk only when your baby has been enjoying and easily digesting some simple solid foods.Many parents find toddler’s formula good for their little one as it is safe and will supply minerals and vitamins as compared to cow’s milk. It is also portable and tastes similar to the milk they have been taking for the past 12 months. This is an easier process of transition for babies.
Ways To Introduce Cow’s Milk To Toddlers: There are some toddlers who love drinking cow’s milk which makes the transition process easier for parents and for themselves too. But there are some naughty little ones who do not like this milk initially, because of the difference in taste, temperature and color. So, what you can do is mix this cow’s milk with his regular milk. You can begin with the ratio of one part of whole milk to three parts of his regular milk and gradually change its ratio till your toddler is completely on whole milk. This is the best way for a smooth transition to cows milk for babies. The above are a few effective methods for cow’s milk introduction to your baby. As milk is an important source of nutrition, you can offer him 2 to 3 cups daily (for 1 to 2 years old) to ensure strong bones and teeth. Milk is considered as a complete food with proteins, vitamins and carbs, which your growing baby needs for his energy to spend and delight you all day! When did you start feeding cow’s milk to your child?
16 May 2017
Priya Sood
Hi Jolly. Thanks for sharing this. Whats your source. It really cleared some doubts i had. I have seen so many moms ask Why cows milk? Many have not given at all. Thanks
Priya Sood
17 May 2017