When it comes to types of mammogram , there is usually discussion around screening and diagnostic mammogram. However, the other point to be noted is whether it is analog (film-based) or digital mammogram. Many studies have shown that film-screen and digital mammography are equally accurate in screening for breast cancer. As per a 2005 study of nearly 50,000 women, found that digital mammography was a better screening tool than film-screen mammography only for women who either:
- are under age 50
- have very dense or extremely dense breast tissue
- are still menstruating or are perimenopausal (starting menopause), but have had a period within the previous 12 months
This discussion is relevant since many women find pressing of breasts in mammography painful and most find it at least uncomfortable. If you fall into any one of the above three categories, especially if you may have dense breast tissue, you may want to go for digital mammography.
The advantages of digital mammography versus film-screen are that (1) digital images can be manipulated for better views and they can be stored more easily, and (2) digital mammograms deliver about three-fourths of the radiation that film-screen mammograms do even though analog mammograms already deliver a safe and very small amount of radiation. The disadvantages of digital mammography are that it is more expensive and very few hospitals and diagnostic centres have digital mammography.