For a month young bub, give as much diaper free time as possible. Traditional langots (and ones with some padding) are great and ideal for this purpose. however, you may feel the need for a diaper that lasts longer especially while sleeping or when you are stepping out. There are Advanced Cloth Diapers that provide all the benefits of disposable diapers in the goodness of cloth. That includes dry-feel, long hours absorbency and leak proofing. These are known to be skin friendly and very good for sensitive skins. You can try those if you wish to avoid plasticky disposables.
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05 May 2017
Malvika Singh
In the first two months I used to keep her in diapers at night or when we were going out. You should try the well known brands and <u>for</u> a short time period at first to make sure your baby doesn't get rashes. Keep a good diaper rash cream and baby powder handy, always.
05 May 2017
Rhituparna Mitra
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @6222e86eb07e00001b897fc5 </b></span> can you help her please?
Pallavi Utagi
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05 May 2017