When you have a child, who gets good grades, you are happy. When he or she does as they are told, you are happy. But it is a "normal" joy, because, of course, it is part of growing . But when you have a child with some limitations, with each learning and small success, you pulsate and vibrate as if you had won a championship... I would like to ask you a great favor on an important subject:
It is the Special Education week, for children with Cerebral Palsy, Down syndrome, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD (attention deficit, with and without hyperactivity). For all children with additional learning who struggle every day to succeed, and those who try to help them.
*It would be great to teach our children to be kind and to accept all their classmates.* Children with additional needs are not strangers. They want what every kid wants: to be accepted! And they suffer greatly when they are rejected or mocked.
Found this worth sharing.Let's teach our children to be good humans.lets teach them harmony, sympathy and gratitude. Rest will follow. M sure.
03 Dec 2018
Priya Sood
Loved your post
08 Feb 2019
Aditi Ahuja
There was a chapter in my daughter's syllabus about a girl who moves on a wheelchair and how she feels when people genuinely help her, people show mercy on her and when people behave badly with her..so I could get a good chance to explain my daughter about this part of being human
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03 Dec 2018
Vidya rathod
Very nice advice and important thing to teach kids. All humans have equal share for everything in life.
Priya Sood
08 Feb 2019