When you should not have a Baby! This is in continuation to my last post but on a lighter note. So kindly laugh on it or take it with a pinch of salt ☺️🤗 So some of the reasons why one should not considering starting a family are: ✔️ When your mother,your mother in law ,your neighbour,your pregnant friends, your society wali aunty thinks you should have a baby
✔️ When someone suggests you that you are married for quite long now (anywhere between 1yr-2yr as per Indian Standards) and it's time you have a baby.
✔️When you see Babies/kids/toddlers around you and you don't feel awww from inside. Infact you run away from them 😂
✔️ When in train/flights/buses you try not to sit beside a family with kids and if that happens you keep wondering about what wrongs you did to get such a life 😂
✔️When you see cutely dresses babies and think they look cute but as soon as they start crying you are like bleh...
✔️When you see babies sections in malls and do not feel like checking them out just for the sake of it.
✔️ When you gift baby stuff to your mommy friends and wonder how costly they are 😂
✔️When you are bored and would consider doing anything then taking care of a baby😂
✔️ When you see your friends babies and are too scared to look at them again thinking the baby hug May bite you too😁 ✔️✔️✔️Most importantly When Neither You nor your Partner is ready for it and want to take some more time to figure out other things before taking the charge of a full time parent.🤗🍀 Unless these things happen or stop happening kindly re-consider your baby plans.
And if you are ready do not care about what the world says.
Just give in to your motherly instincts and go for it. The universe will ensure everything goes alright ❤️😍❤️😍 #momjourney #bbcreatorsclub
03 Jul 2019
Rebecca Prakash
Ha ha ha definitely funny but true<br>
03 Jul 2019
khushboo chouhan
Every single point!!! So true and right
03 Jul 2019
Yeah u r right. Ofcourse to each his own.
03 Jul 2019
Priyanka Jaiswal
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @6170259aade2a9001326c96a </b></span> i somewhat agree with on the science and right age to conceive. And having my MIL by my side to take vare of my boy is definitely a boon but considering the current generation or let's say our generation most of them don't want to stay with in law's. So for some it works to take time. Also the gen Y IS ALSO re Considering having a baby or not. Plus since the earning class is getting better with time they don't think about the money spent on IVF. Also thank our great bollywood stars for propogating such ideas. But people need to understand that IVF and other such treatment cause more harm in the long run and so much that you may be super fatigued to even take care of the baby for which you took so much pain for. However modern we become certain things should happen at the right time and right age. But again who decides that. To each his own :)
Rebecca Prakash
03 Jul 2019