Whenever my son needs sleep, he needs a breast, he keeps it in the mouth even if he drinks milk or does not drink. But he needs breast for sleeping. How can; get rid of his this habit?
Palak Thakur
12 Jan 2018
Revauthi Rajamani
Hi <br>
around 8-10 months or older, a very efficient way to stop nursing a baby to sleep is to;simply let someone else attend to <u>the</u><b> baby </b>at night, ur husband if u hv nobody to helo.; Jus two or three days will do. <br>
you can always just stop nursing your baby to sleep. Just stop. But do it on a Thursday night if you are working and have the weekend off.<br>
Be <u>prepared</u> for a few very exhausting days and nights and a furious baby, but rest assured that your baby will eventually sleep without the nipple.;Don't leave the baby to cry, but rather do everything you can to make the sleeping nice in other ways; like in a stroller on a walk or next to you in bed.
13 Jan 2018
Aastha Ahuja
Go on a holiday....even my kiddo ws d same bt my nee yr holiday helpd me a lot....whole day he njoyd n raat ko slpt n i happily weaned hm...n try to distract my pediatrician tld me dey vl cry fr 20mins aftr dat dey vl calm by der own...try n c..gud <u>luvk</u>
12 Jan 2018
Neha Mani
You have to be a little hard on him. Try to sing to him when he is restless. Dim the lights. If he cries too much for the breast, take him in your arms and rock a bit. He will cry for the initial few days but eventually he will understand that he will be getting milk only when he has to feed.
12 Jan 2018
Same problem...<br>
And I m alone to look after him nobody to help or to distract him...full night he want milk
Revauthi Rajamani
13 Jan 2018