Where can I find a complete chart about which solid food should be started when ?
I need a guide about food items for my baby
She will turn 8months in few days
22 Aug 2019
Rebecca Prakash
No one can follow any chart, hunger is natural. As the baby is 8 monthe you can give 2 meals and 1 snack , breakfast, lunch and snacks can be given. Idly, dosa, soft paratha, upma, daliya, oats, eggs can be given as breakfast. Soft roti , well cooked vegetables, dal, rice , kichadi, pulav can be offered as lunch. And fruits can be offered as evening snacks.
22 Aug 2019
Rebecca Prakash
No animal milk, salt, no sugar/jaggery/honey till the baby completes 1 year. Even post that if you can avoid, please do.;
Before every solids meal, give bm/ff (about 20-30 mins before);
Continue to breastfeed as normal and don’t replace a feed session with solids.;
When you introduce solids introduce everything individually first, be it fruit or vegetable or cereal.;
6th month - 1 meals;<br>
7th Month-2 meals;<br>
8th Month- 3 meals;<br>
9th month- 3 meals and a snack if needed;<br>
10th Months- same; as above and give snacks as per demand.;<br>
If you are doing traditional weaning, then steam instead of boiling before pureeing;
Start with breakfast and observe any reactions.;
Offer variety. Don’t give the baby the same thing for several days
Don’t be alarmed if baby doesn’t eat more than a few grains or a bite in the initial days, it’s normal.;
Follow the baby’s cues when it comes to quantity. If baby persistently refuses then don’t force.;<br>
Rebecca Prakash
22 Aug 2019