Burp the baby well and also kero on shoulder for some time before putting on bed. Keep your baby close to you. <br>
If you feel baby is colic just massage the tummy in clockwise direction gently... Also you can do cycling motion. You can also talk to your doc for colic medicine.
20 Jul 2018
Vaishali Jain
20 Jul 2018
Hi vaishali... I can very well understand wat ur going through as I am also sailing in d same boat. The reasons for baby crying can mostly be two reasons:<br>
1.baby is hungry<br>
2.baby has gas<br>
Mostly commonly; babies of this age group tend to have gas issue so pls do burp the baby atleast for 15 mind after every feed this helps the baby to release gas. If it's not working then check with ur pead he will prescribe u some medicine by which baby can get relief. And most importantly stay strong. This is just a phase it shall pass off soon. All the best dear<br>
20 Jul 2018
Revauthi Rajamani
Just pat the back of the baby gently,..... Its normal
sonam patel
20 Jul 2018