👶 Baby is hungry - 95% of the times babies cry because of hunger. Now we all know babies have a very very tiny tummy, they pee, poop a lot, food gets digested very quickly they might just take very small quantity when they are hungry or feeding, they might take more it could just be anything on top of that they could be growth sprouts. We don't know how much milk we are passing to the baby if we are breastfeeding, baby does not know how much to drink, they sleep a lot. Basically there are so much happening in that hunger cannot be defined with a schedule when it comes to a baby.
👶 Needs diaper change - We know that babies pee a lot, they poop a lot. At times when they are wearing diapers that get soiled very easily, very quickly, it's very uncomforting or very discomforting feeling for them. That's not something that we can teach them, naturally their body is designed in a way that they will feel discomforted because of a wet diaper.
👶 Feeling hot or cold - The baby might be feeling too hot or too cold, there is no way a baby can know, may be we underdressed our baby.
👶 Baby is tired - Newborns sleep a lot & not even newborns babies till 5-6months sleep a lot. They end up sleeping about 13-14hours, any activity could be a majority activity for the baby.
👶 Baby is bored - Babies have to be engaged all the time, they have to be distracted all the time. They are so alert any sound, any object moving, any new person coming, anybody talking, anything happening they get alerted & they want to look around. One thing continuously been done can just bored them. One you, one game, one activity can get eventually bored them.
👶 Baby in pain - Baby could be in pain due to couple of reasons :
* Most common reason is that there is a burp stuck, may be we did not burp the baby right, maybe the baby needs more burps, one burp did not really take the gas out. Burp the baby.
* The baby is feeling very gastric or has some kind of a stomach pain.
Or else the case could be the baby might be having some infections, because of which could be fever, some body ache, it just could be some pain that the baby is going through.
14 Jan 2020