why women does not get labor naturally these days?
Priyanka Bhattacharya
09 Sep 2017
Shruti Giri
superbly explained...I remember my friends case doctor waited for normal delivery kind of forced her as there was no complications in her pregnancy...but family members were forcing to have C-section. but doctor <u>was</u> firm n she did a normal delivery of my friend...but then I heard family members saying that due to doctor's stubbornness baby got breathing issues...they told that baby Became black n green after coming out because it was a forced Normal delivery...
11 Sep 2017
Shipra Dang
Agree with @Dr. Shilpitha Shanthappa
11 Sep 2017
Thankyou doctor
11 Sep 2017
Dr. Shilpitha
firstly major cause for this is SEDENTARY LIFE... And nowadays one baby in five is now born after the birth process has been started by a drug. In about half of these cases, the reason for induction is not related to any medical problem in the woman or her unborn baby.. Rather, a decision to induce labor is often reached for reasons of convenience to the mother, the family or the doctor. In some cases, women worried about the baby's health may exert pressure, in other cases, doctors may fear medical liability for waiting.. Most women just want to get their pregnancies over with, They consider it abnormal if they go one day past their due date. They don't realize that the due date is merely a suggestion.. Actually the fact is In an uncomplicated single-birth pregnancy, it is more economical to wait up to two weeks past a woman's due date before trying to induce labor.. The current ability to detect fetal distress has raised the rates of both labor induction and Caesarean deliveries.. Hence, the number of labour induction is raised..
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09 Sep 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
my thoughts, often in early days women were were active and doing lot of heavy household works. now even work load is less, and most deliveries are done on due date(40 weeks), even though labour pain can come up till 42 weeks. but due to this extra care, there is definitely a drop in infant and maternal mortality rates. (disclaimer:- this is not a well researched answer, so it may be wrong too, just my thoughts 😀)
Shruti Giri
11 Sep 2017