With the past of irregular periods and past cases of same I read on internet, I was scared if I will get pregnant easily. After seeing one line for two times . I decided to change my lifestyle instead of going to doctor for medicines. And then one fine day after missing my periods by a week, my husband brought me Preganews.when I was almost sure of single line to my surprise it displayed two pink lines. It was shocking and exciting for me. A little new life is developing in my body. I sat in my washroom for almost 15 minutes just to control my emotions and to believe that yes I am pregnant. I showed my kit with two lines to my husband. He got numbed for a second and asked if it's true.His excitement was same as mine. We both went to gynecologist for check up. It took us 2 more weeks to hear baby's heartbeat and those heartbeats still echo in my heart. Those two pink lines changed my way of living. It changed me from inside out. It turned me from a care free girl to a responsible mother.
#preganewsmeansgoodnews #newmommie #twopinklines
Mayuri Kacha
29 Sep 2019