Yet another cool-concept animated movie by Disney was 2014’s “Big Hero 6.” Set in fictitious San Fransokyo in the near future, the movie surrounds Hiro & Baymax (an inflatable healthcare robot designed by Tadashi – Hiro’s big smarter brother). With the help of his friends & Baymax, Hiro wants to avenge his brother’s death. He does so by equipping Baymax with armour & fighting skills.
“Big Hero 6” is a big, dazzling, consistently funny and tender adventure that would probably get your kids to want their very own Baymax! Yes, that is how lovable & adorable Baymax is! Despite being the robot in the gang, he’s the one more compassionate & therapeutic than the other five heroes. As an adult, we can actually feel his ‘jaadu ki jhappi’ right through the screen. That being the case, wouldn’t a child crave for the same exhilarating touch? It’s only natural.
The movie offers everything to everyone irrespective of the viewer’s age: action, humour, technology, adventure, team work, sacrifice & warmth.
To summarise, Big Hero 6 does a remarkable job of engaging smart kids all around the world.
Catch this movie at 2:15pm on Movies Now on 18-Feb-2017.
Priya Sood
17 Feb 2017