Your guide to first trimester.. You finally see that two pink lines.. you are on cloudnine, something in a women definitely changes after that magical moment.. Same happened with me, and all my life and perspective changed after that..
Few checklist for first trimester:- **The first thing we should do after checking for pregnancy is to go see our gynecologists, get yourself tested, get the scans and tests done and start taking all your medications.
Start taking your calcium,iron,folic acid tablets on time. Its important for healthy development of your little one.. **Adjust your diet, some women start having morning sickness so its important for them to keep check on their nutrition intake and also very important to be hydrated, include juices, coconut water etc. Avoid sugar intake, include lots of fruits and vegetables. Avoid pineapple and papaya throughout your pregnancy **Start being active, nothing that hurts you just start having normal walks, nice breathing exercises to keep you refreshed. **Rest, get your 8 hours sleep properly. Your body will need rest. With sickness and body going through so many changes get plenty of sleep.. **Follow up on all the check ups and make a checklist before you see the doctor with all your queries and questions. **Take care of your oral hygiene, pregnant women are more susceptible to gum problems. **Do not take any medication without consulting your gynecologists **Check for maternity leave policy at your office so you can finish of your deadlines before taking a break. **Spend quality time with your partner, once the baby arrives it will get difficult for you both to connect . Follow your instincts, eat healthy, have plenty of rest, be hydrated and enjoy each day. This is the best thing thats happened and this little miracle is going to change your life.. Take care
Kavita Sahany
15 Nov 2019