Hey mommies, suggest tips and hacks for weight loss. I have lost all the motivation these days and have gained a lot of weight. Need to work on fat loss now.
sonam patel
19 Sep 2023
Dr Pooja
Hey sonam.
Dont worry. Just try and go with the flow. Try and have a consistency in what you do. Set small goal and try to achieve them. You will feel food about it . Dont worry about it too much
27 Sep 2023
Akanksha Bhuri
Calorie deficit is a helpful way to get rid of extra weight. The loss of motivation is so true - happens with me too. I am unable to sustain too rigorous routines and end up gaining all the lost weight. Therefore it's important to stick to such a routine which is doable, easy to follow and sustainable
You could have a look at hula hoops, they are easy to use, you need to wear it on your waist and adjust it. The weighted attachment will move as you move your waist. Regular use will definitely show results, my cousin managed to lose 1.5 kgs in 2 months of continuous use.
Dr Pooja
27 Sep 2023