4 Important Things To Keep In Mind When You Take A Preemie (Premature Baby) Home

4 Important Things To Keep In Mind When You Take A Preemie (Premature Baby) Home

17 Oct 2022 | 2 min Read

Seema Bhatia

Author | 29 Articles

Premature babies are very common in multiple pregnancies (approx. 60% of total multiple pregnancies). Besides, that premature delivery could be due to birth defects, pregnancy complications, or health problems in the expecting mother.

Premature babies generally weigh below 2.2 kgs. They are not as developed as the ones that are born after a full-term pregnancy. Such babies are kept in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit), under observation for a few days before they are allowed to go home.

Once these babies are given a heads up to go home, there are a few important things that parents have to be extremely careful about.

· Learn and understand infant CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) techniques before taking the baby home. In case of need (when the baby experiences shortening of breath), for CPR the parents should be well aware of the technique and the medications to be given.

· Preemies tend to eat in lesser quantities and hence they have to be fed more often. Take appropriate recommendations from your expert about the feeding schedules and the type of formula (breastmilk or preterm feeding formula) to be given to the babies. Preterm feeding formulas have higher concentrations of minerals, proteins, vitamins, calories, and other essential nutrients than the normal infant feeding formulas. Preemies are fed such formulas to cope with their delayed growth.

· Protect your preterm babies from exposure to crowded areas and guests. They are at a high risk of getting respiratory tract infections. Ask your expert for medications to prevent such conditions.

· Lastly, do not miss out on their vaccinations and regular checkups. Checkups play a very important role in premature babies, as they have to be monitored for any developmental delays, infections, allergies, or disabilities.



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