4 Home Remedies To Treat Dehydration

4 Home Remedies To Treat Dehydration

28 Jun 2018 | 2 min Read

Aditi Ahuja

Author | 72 Articles


Summer heat and humidity leads to a lot of water and salt loss from our body due to sweating. Sometimes, the condition may be severe and one may face the risk of dehydration, which combined with low blood pressure or even alone can be fatal.

The symptoms of dehydration are:


  1. Increased thirst and dry tongue
  2. State of fatigue, confusion and anger
  3. Blurred vision as in one feels like passing out
  4. Headache
  5. Muscle cramps
  6. Lack of sweat and dark urine, even frequency of urination is below normal
  7. Fever and dry skin
  8. It’s important to recognize these symptoms at the earliest and deal with them asap in order to avoid an unpleasant situation. Everyone, starting office goers, women working at home for hours and school going children should be made aware about how to recognize and treat dehydration.


Some tips are:

  1. Siping small amounts of water from time to time makes up for the water loss that has happened due to sweating.
  2. Natural drinks like lemonades, coconut water, barley water and buttermilk are very effective in treating dehydration. In fact coconut water has a very high amount of electrolyte in it, even more than many sports drinks.
  3. Wearing loose cotton clothes which help in keeping the body cool and being in a cool place, if possible in AC is recommended however, being in too cold environment and using ice packs, or bathing with ice water needs to be avoided as it leads to contraction of vessels and body tries to overwork which can increase the problem.
  4. Going out in the sun should be avoided and, if at all needed, one should use caps and umbrellas. Also, caffeinated drinks and drinks with carbonated water should be avoided as they increase the symptoms.

Dehydration takes time to heal and thus, proper rest accompanied with a diet including lots of fluids and electrolytes should be followed to come out of it naturally.

If symptoms are too severe and natural remedies don’t work, a drip treatment should be taken under medical guidance.


Also read: Best Sunscreens For You!

Explore the entire collection of articles: Mom Health

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