1 Jul 2022 | 5 min Read
Author | 2574 Articles
It isn’t easy being a parent if you’re also working to make several ends meet. We understand the amount of coordination that is required in a family where both the mother and father are working. On top of that, the endless cries you have to hear after you’ve had a long day at work make your heart cry because you can’t be with your baby the whole day, no matter how much you die for it. And for all you know, you have your days filled with numerous unnecessary quarrels and bickering that add on to your baby’s howling, almost turning your place into a mad house.
But what are you supposed to do in such a situation? You can’t just give up on the career you’ve worked so hard for, neither can you let your baby or your house suffer. So, finding a middle ground becomes your only option. And trust us, when we say we know your plight, we really, really do! Believe us, you’re not alone.
Like we said, this is a very common problem faced by thousands of parents. If you relate to these 5 problems, we have thought of a few solutions for them as well. Give it a read.
It is scary when you know your child is in someone else’s hands. Her eating habits, her crying spells – you’re just too scared to let anyone take over. What if the daycare staff is insensitive or has too many babies to handle at a time?
But don’t worry. Even if you can’t be present with your baby physically, you can ask your mom or dad to babysit her whenever possible. Coordinate with your family, check with their availability, ask them to take shifts and be with the baby.
Entrusting your child into the hands of someone safe is like getting rid of the biggest burden you have on your head. Plus, you also provide your parents a chance to cuddle and snuggle with their grandchildren.
Another problem that most couples keep arguing about is who will put the baby to sleep at night. There are times when you’ve just returned from work and you’re so tired that you can’t even sit straight or lift your arms to swing the baby. We know what you want the most at that moment – to see your spouse take over and say, “don’t worry sweety, I’ll do it”.
But listen to us carefully. You don’t really have a solution to this other than hiring a nanny, and if you’re unable to, having patience is your only option. Seriously, all you require is better time management and better communication with your spouse.
Trust us, you can make your life much easier by co managing the whole parenting process. Just divide work depending on your schedule. You can even make a chart mentioning who’ll feed the baby when. Just work as a team and give each other a break when you feel the need, and you’re good!
We know it’s time taking and a little tough to make it happen, but it is always an option to suggest your boss to open a company daycare centre for all the employees who face the same dilemma. This way, you can actually work and look after your baby simultaneously. There are various companies adopting this model and research has shown that it helps parents concentrate better on their work. Just have a word with your boss and see if you can make it work.
Yes, we understand that it can be frustrating when you feel you aren’t doing anything for yourself. It is annoying to think of those days as “those days” in the past where you could snuggle in your blankie and read a book with coffee, or just watch a movie with your spouse without any worries.
The solution? You can always talk to your friends to babysit your baby for a day while you ask for an off at work. Just let your boss know about the stress you’re dealing with, and make it a “couple’s day out”! It could be about relaxing at a spa together, movies, romantic dinner dates, anything! Really, if you’re that exhausted, you both need and deserve this!
We know when there’s so much to do, from nappy changing to feeding, to also driving to and from work, there’s absolutely no time to sleep or even eat properly.
Try taking power naps for an hour every 5-6 hours. If your schedule is hectic, than reduce it to half an hour. Just make sure that your body gets sufficient rest. Keep a water bottle and fruit bowl with you all the time. You can order juices from juice places, keep sipping, keep munching and soon you’ll feel much better about your life.
Happy parenting!
Suggestions offered by doctors on BabyChakra are of advisory nature i.e., for educational and informational purposes only. Content posted on, created for, or compiled by BabyChakra is not intended or designed to replace your doctor's independent judgment about any symptom, condition, or the appropriateness or risks of a procedure or treatment for a given person.