5 signs your child is a brat

5 signs your child is a brat

18 May 2022 | 5 min Read


Author | 2574 Articles

Research shows that it is about 60% – 70 % more difficult today to raise a child than it was 20 years ago. This is probably because in today’s world, having kids is no longer a necessity but rather an option. A lot of couples put “having a child” in the backseat, while they work on their careers.
Fast-forward a couple years when they decide it is time to have kids, they are at a crucial time of their careers. Due to the busy work schedules of parents, a lot of behavior is excused and new parents try to take shortcuts whenever possible with their children.
This is causing kids to become bratty and have a sense of entitlement, which is ruining this generation. All child are a little bratty, but this behaviour becomes a problem when they seem to be constantly unruly and undisciplined. So let’s look into 5 signs that may say your child is a brat:

1. They feel entitled

All kids want all the toys at the store, but if your kid is crying and hitting and yelling at you for every single thing that they don’t get, it shows that your child feels entitled to everything. This is unfortunately a behavior that they may not grow out of, especially if this behavior is encouraged.

What to do:
It is very important to not lose your temper at them when this happens. Calmly explain to them that what they are doing is wrong and that throwing tantrums is not an appropriate way to deal with emotions. If your style of parenting uses harmless punishment, taking away a privilege or giving them a timeout is appropriate here.

2. They never share

When kids are young, they tend to be more possessive about their belongings and only share when they are bound to get something in return. Such behavior should be dealt with from the first time you notice your kid refusing to share. Sharing is believed by some psychiatrists to be a learned trait.

What to do :
As sharing is a somewhat learnt trait, it is a good idea to show your child that you share, as they tend to model their parents behavior. Also, explain how sharing works and reward them with a praise whenever they share.

3. They whine about everything

If your child is whining from the moment they wake up until they go to sleep, then this becomes not only an annoying trait about them, but can hinder their future interactions and relations with people. People who are not their family are not going to tolerate that kind of behavior and this might cause them to become lonely and create other problems.

What to do:
Whining is usually a tactic kids use to manipulate their parents. So, simply refusing to engage them until they use their ‘regular voice’ should help reduce the amount that they whine. Telling them things like “I don’t understand you when you speak that way.” works too. Also, if you know that there is going to be a situation in which your child may whine, you can prepare for them beforehand, so they know that they shouldn’t whine about it later.

4. They don’t respect people

This is an inexcusable behavior which needs to be corrected immediately. Their behavior may not affect their relationship with their aunt or grandpa, but when they start school, being disrespectful to their elders and peers will not be accepted.

What to do:
Talk to them about how such behavior hurts a person’s feeling and that he/she should never speak to people that way nor should they treat people that way. Never excuse such behavior because that will show that you are going along with it.

5. They control you and all your decisions

It is heartbreaking to see your daughter or son cry because you are going out without them, but that doesn’t mean that you cancel your plans and stay with them all the time. You have to have a life of your own and you should not let your children be the reason behind all of your decisions. Some things you have to do either by yourself or with your spouse. It maintains the healthy relationship you had before your child and keeps you two connected to each other. Making them the backbone of all your decisions might also give your child the idea that the entire world revolves around them.

What to do:
Prepare them beforehand to say ‘goodbye’ to you and reassure them that you will be back in a while. Don’t get angry with them and don’t cancel your plans just because they are upset. Explain to them in a way that they would relate. Give them an example of them going on a play date with someone else.

Whether you think your kid is a brat or not, remember to always teach them good values and not excuse them of any bad behavior. After all, they are the future of our world!



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