6 Types Of Fats Found In Your Body Xyz

6 Types Of Fats Found In Your Body Xyz

20 Apr 2022 | 5 min Read


Author | 2574 Articles

All those crazy dietings knick knacks that you end up following religiously may or may not show much effect on your body. What you need to know is the kind of fat that rests in your body.Not all the body fat is the same and not all fats are bad. It is worth all your time to know about what type of fat your body is composed of especially if you’re trying to lose weight of getting in shape-

1.The Fundamental Fats

These are also known as the essential fats that help in the regulation of the body’s temperature, absorption of the different vitamins the body consumes, fertility issues like hormonal secretion and lastly the structure of the cells in your body.

It is found in the body parts like the bone marrow, nerve membranes and the other membranes that protect our intestines.It is very difficult for women to lose this fat from the body as is what makes up their weight. Around 11-14% weight comes from this body fat, so it is not very advisable to shed fat from these regions.

2.The White Fat

This type of fat is found in the cells of the body. The white fats are scientifically known as “white adipocytes”. They are actually white in color and are stored in the mitochondria( powerhouse of the cells). This white fat is stored in the cells in the form of triglycerides which further acts as stored form of energy.

White fat is the body’s powerhouse and it acts like your body’s generator. Moreover, it is quite a fluffy cushion for our internal organs as it guards them against harsh blows. It also makes up partially for our body’s physical appearance. It is important for you because it produces leptin and some amount of estrogen. These regulate your hunger function and it is also a receptor of hormones like insulin and cortisol.

3.The Brown Fat

It is exactly the opposite of the white fats. Instead of storing fats, it is responsible for burning fats. You know it is brown because it is placed quite close to the mitochondrion. Since the mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cells, it is easy for this brown fat to burn down and produce energy.

The fatty acids and lipids are burnt by the mitochondria in order to produce the minimal basal body temperature of 98.6 degrees. Did you know babies have a higher amount of brown fat present in their bodies compared to a full-grown adult human!

4.The Beige Fat

Beige fat is an intermediate between the two extreme kinds of fats- the white and brown fats. Science has come so far that our researchers have conceptualized that the beige fat is, in fact, unique in its own functional ways.

The white fat can also get converted into beige fat which is a sure shot sign of healthiness. This is because, if the white fat keeps on getting accumulated, it leads to obesity. Since the white fat is getting converted into beige fat, it is easy for you to shed weight and get in shape!

5. The Subcutaneous Fat

This fat is found right under your skin and it makes up about 90% of the fat in your body. It comprises a combination of beige, brown and white fats in specific quantities. Anyhow, only certain amount of subcutaneous fat is known to be healthy. If you have excessive of this type of fat, your hormones are sure to go on a roller coaster ride.

6.The Visceral Fat

This is commonly known as ‘Belly Fat’ and is every woman’s worst enemy. It is stored in the abdominal cavity and is surrounded by a number of internal organs like the pancreas, heart, liver and the two intestines.

This fat secretes a protein called retinol-binding proteins 4. It is said to provide immunity from insulin which could dig a pathway to type 2 diabetes and glucose intolerance. If your body has been storing excessive fat of this kind, it is quite likely that you’ll end up with breast cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and stroke.

Fats are not that bad you see. You know now which kind of fats are good for your body and which ones should you get rid off.


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