7 Myths About Periods You Must Stop Believing

7 Myths About Periods You Must Stop Believing

1 Jul 2022 | 3 min Read


Author | 2574 Articles

Though we are living in the 21st century, there are few myths about a menstrual cycle that have continued to stick around. Society has been living with and passing on these myths from one generation to another, but honestly, we need to move on and break away from them. Let’s encounter the most common period-related myths and their explanations!

1. Not eating sour foods

It is believed that eating sour foods can worsen your pain and menstruation cycle due to the presence of citric acid. However, science has proved that there is no connection between eating sour foods and pain during periods getting worse. However, you should always make it a point to have nutritious foods during your periods, including those that contain citric acid.

2. A woman on her periods is unclean

Menstruation is one of the most natural processes and every girl goes through it. However, a woman on her periods is considered unclean and untidy, maybe because of the involvement of blood. However, menstruation is a sign of a fertile female who holds the power to bring a new life into this world. This is a fact that needs to rejoice and not frowned upon.

3. Hot water can increase blood flow

As per studies, hot water can help to increase the blood circulation that would allow the blood to flow out of the body with ease. Improved blood circulation frees women of cramps and stabilizes their mood. Hot water surely does not increase the amount of blood but makes the flow of blood easier.

4. Tampons can get into the body

This is not possible at all! Tampons cannot get into the body and float away. It will stay in place and come out only when you take it out.

5. You’re not a virgin if you use tampons

All those people who have told you this clearly require sex education. A virgin is somebody who has never had sexual intercourse and the presence of a hymen isn’t an accurate measure of your virginity. A girl’s hymen can break thanks to several sports activities much before she has even had sex. Whether you use tampons or pads has nothing to do with your virginity and is based on personal preference.

6. If you touch pickle when you have your period, it will go bad

Yes, because the “impurities” that rest in our vagina also travel up to our fingers! (Just kidding!) We should go hug anybody who says to spread our ‘impurities’. Menstruation is just another form of nature taking its course, so please go dig into that pickle jar any time you want. It will NOT go bad.

7. A menstruating woman should not visit religious places

This superstition is unfounded and baseless, and unfortunately, it is also widely believed in India. Unless you’ve suddenly developed some superhuman powers that will make things “go immoral” with your touch, you can do as you please when you have your period just like you would when you don’t.



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